Service Details: 

At CloudHew, we are the foremost experts in multi cloud solutions. Our extensive technical prowess spans premier technologies and global multi cloud environments. We propel your business expansion, optimize efficiency, and chart the course to the future.

Leverage CloudHew’s seasoned professionals to construct a robust and compliant AWS Landing Zone, accelerating your organization’s growth on Amazon Web Services. In harmony with the Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology, our collaborative process establishes a secure foundation for cloud adoption. Adhering to Amazon’s Well-Architected Framework principles ensures a meticulously configured, production-ready environment. Experience expedited progress and impactful outcomes in your AWS-based business transformation journey, right from the start.

Use Cases:

Cloud Adoption Acceleration: Organizations looking to accelerate their journey to the cloud can leverage this solution to quickly establish a standardized AWS environment.

Multi-Account Management: Enterprises with multiple AWS accounts can benefit from a centralized landing zone setup to enforce governance, security, and compliance across all accounts.

Enterprise-scale Workloads: Businesses running enterprise-scale workloads on AWS can utilize this solution to optimize performance, security, and cost efficiency.

Compliance and Security: Organizations subject to regulatory requirements can implement a landing zone setup aligned with compliance standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, etc., to ensure data protection and regulatory compliance.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: Implementing a landing zone with disaster recovery capabilities ensures high availability and resilience for critical workloads.

AWS Value Proposition:

Security and Compliance: Implement AWS security best practices and compliance controls from the outset, ensuring a secure and compliant cloud environment.

Scalability and Flexibility: Build a scalable infrastructure foundation that can adapt to evolving business needs and workload demands.

Operational Efficiency: Automate infrastructure provisioning, configuration, and management tasks to improve operational efficiency and reduce manual effort.

Cost Optimization: Implement cost optimization strategies and controls to optimize AWS resource usage and minimize unnecessary spending.

Reliability and Resilience: Design a resilient architecture with built-in redundancy and disaster recovery capabilities to ensure high availability and business continuity.

Characteristics and Profiles of Target Customers:

This solution is suitable for a wide range of customers, including:

Enterprise Organizations: Large enterprises with complex IT environments and multi-account AWS setups requiring standardized and centralized management.

Regulated Industries: Organizations in regulated industries such as finance, healthcare, and government that need to enforce strict security and compliance controls.

Cloud-Native Startups: Startups and digital-native companies looking to establish a scalable and secure cloud infrastructure foundation for their cloud-native applications.

Digital Transformation Initiatives: Businesses undergoing digital transformation initiatives seeking to modernize their IT infrastructure and migrate legacy workloads to the cloud.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs): MSPs offering cloud services to their clients can leverage this solution to streamline service delivery and ensure consistent governance and security across client environments.

Customer Engagement and Delivery Mechanisms:

Customer engagement for this solution typically involves:

Discovery and Assessment: Conducting workshops and assessments to understand the customer’s business requirements, existing infrastructure, and cloud adoption goals.

Architecture Design: Collaborating with stakeholders to design a customized AWS Landing Zone architecture tailored to the customer’s specific needs and requirements.

Implementation and Deployment: Executing the deployment of the landing zone infrastructure using automation tools, templates, and deployment pipelines.

Training and Knowledge Transfer: Providing training and knowledge transfer sessions to enable customer teams to effectively manage and operate the landing zone infrastructure.

Ongoing Support and Optimization: Offering post-implementation support services, continuous monitoring, and optimization to ensure the landing zone remains secure, reliable, and cost-effective over time.



Duration in Weeks

2 Weeks

Estimated Cost
