Discover More Now

Cloud Strategy and Consultation

More individuals, businesses and organisations use cloud-based services that offer flexibility, reliability, and availability.
k Kubernetes and Serverless Solutions

Kubernetes and Serverless Solutions

Embrace the future of cloud computing with our expertly crafted Kubernetes and serverless solutions.

D Development of Cloud Native Applications

Development of Cloud Native Applications

Harness the full potential of the cloud with our cloud-native application development.

A Architecture Strategy & Roadmap

Architecture Strategy & Roadmap

Navigate your cloud journey confidently with our architecture strategy and roadmap services.

E Evaluation & Selection of Right PaaS Platforms

Evaluation & Selection of Right PaaS Platforms

Let us guide you in selecting the perfect Platform as a Service (PaaS) platforms for your needs

P PaaS Migration (Re-Factor, Re-Host, Re-Architect)

PaaS Migration (Re-Factor, Re-Host, Re-Architect)

Seamlessly transition your applications to PaaS platforms with our migration expertise.

c Custom Application Development

Custom Application Development

Our custom application development services empower you with applications that align perfectly with your business requirements


More Services

Cloud Adoption Model


Repurchase (Drop and Shop): Transition with simplicity. Drop existing on-prem licenses and seamlessly shift to cloud-based software versions, repurchasing licenses for enhanced efficiency.


Rehost Modernization Strategy (Lift and Shift): Effortlessly lift and shift chosen applications and workloads to the cloud ecosystem. Utilize cutting-edge native tools and support services for a seamless transition


Replatform Modernization Strategy (Lift, Change, Shift): Evolve while preserving. Migrate platforms and applications from on-prem to the cloud with slight customizations, ensuring optimal performance within the cloud environment. and many more micro services.

Technology Path

Trusted Cloud Solution & Service


20 years of experience


Support any time 24/7

Certified Professionals

150 + Specialized Personals